Fertility Coach & Host of the Conceiving After Vasectomy Reversal Podcast

Hi I'm Susan Gladstein

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I know what it feels like to carry a dream in your heart and wonder if it will ever come true.
After nine years of marriage and raising a beautifully blended family of five, you might think my family was complete. But I couldn’t shake the feeling that someone was missing — a little miracle I was meant to hold.

At first, I thought adoption might be the answer. But in a surprising turn, my husband suggested something I’d never considered: a vasectomy reversal. I didn’t even know that was an option. From that moment, we felt God’s hand guiding us down a new path. It was far from easy — months turned into years of waiting, hoping, and questioning. Faith became our anchor as we navigated uncertainty, trusting that God was working behind the scenes.

Then, at 40, after what felt like an eternity of praying and preparing, I held our miracle baby, Emma. Her name means “My God Has Answered.” And that’s exactly how it felt — like God whispering, “This is what you’ve been waiting for.” Emma was my reminder that dreams are worth pursuing and that even the longest journeys can end in joy.

Now, at 44, I’m pregnant with our second vasectomy reversal baby, a beautiful testimony that faith and persistence can overcome age and obstacles.

I know the heartache, the endless waiting, and the prayers that sometimes feel unanswered. But I also know the joy of holding a long-awaited miracle in your arms.

That’s why I’m here — to guide you through your own journey toward parenthood. As a Functional Nutrition and Holistic Fertility Practitioner, I combine my professional expertise and personal experience to create faith-centered, personalized plans focused on holistic health, lifestyle, and emotional well-being.

You don’t have to navigate this path alone or wonder if there’s something you’re missing. I’d be honored to walk alongside you, helping you take the steps toward the baby you’ve been dreaming of.

And God Answered in Miracles

I Dreamed of One More,

Spontaneous kitchen dance party enthusiast

Aspiring "kid lady" (like a cat lady, but with kids)

Homeschooling mama who loves Jesus

Rides bikes around the 'hood like it's 1989

Host of life-changing wellness retreats in Costa Rica

Planner of epic family adventures around the world

Living the beautiful chaos of blended family and first responder life

Retired Air Force Veteran (23 years) and military spouse

A Few of My Favorite Things (and the Stories Behind Them)

Get to Know Me

My Anchor in the Storm:
Jeremiah 29:11

Our Christmas Tradition: Why We Ditched Gifts for Memories

Believe it or not, we stopped doing Christmas gifts over 15 years ago. It started when my older kids, then 9 and 12, struggled to even think of things they wanted. Reflecting on my own childhood, I couldn’t recall most of the gifts I received, but I did remember a Christmas Eve scavenger hunt that led us all over town. The smell of rain, the crisp Texas air, the excitement of each new clue—it’s a memory that still feels vivid today.

That experience shaped our decision to skip the gifts and invest in creating unforgettable memories instead. Now, my grown kids still talk about those Christmases as their favorite. And as we continue the tradition with our vasectomy reversal babies, I know we’re crafting moments that will outlast anything wrapped under a tree.

Keeping the ’80s Alive: Dance Parties and Bike Rides

I’m that mom living like it’s 1989. Random kitchen dance parties? Yes, please. Busting moves in the grocery aisle? Absolutely. Music lights up my soul, and sharing that joy with my kids is one of my favorite things.

Then there’s my second love: cruising the neighborhood on bikes, full retro vibes. In 2020, I rediscovered the joy of bike rides, and it was like stepping back in time. Now, when Arizona isn’t blazing hot, we’re out there soaking up the fresh air and freedom.

Between dance-offs and bike rides, I’m keeping the best parts of the ’80s alive. Because some things—like a good beat and the wind in your hair—never go out of style.

"For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”

In 2019, this verse became my lifeline. I lost my bonus dad, then my grandfather shortly after. Grief weighed heavily, and military deployment meant missing my grandfather’s memorial. That year was marked by loss, anger, and shattered dreams of having another baby.

But every morning, in a windowless room halfway around the world, I chose to find hope. This verse reminded me that God’s plans are bigger than my pain. It taught me to see purpose where I only saw despair. Now, Jeremiah 29:11 is a constant reminder to keep moving forward, no matter the season.

Your weekly dose of hope, real-life fertility tips, and faith-centered support designed specifically for couples trying to conceive after vasectomy reversal. Each issue is packed with easy, practical steps to boost your fertility, tackle the overwhelm, and bring you closer to holding the baby you’ve been praying for.

The VR Baby Bulletin

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Conceiving After Vasectomy Reversal

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